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Lasher Guard "Halo" GMP 70011 C2
GMP 70011 C2 Lasher Guard "Halo"
Our Price: $305.81

Product Code: GMP70011-C2HALO

GMP 70011 C2 Lasher Guard "Halo"
Lasher Guards or halos keep the C2 Lashers free of tree limbs, drop wires and any other obstructions that could otherwise jeopardize your work space. This item is manufactured from a circular aluminum tube with a hinged gate that opens, letting cable and strand pass through, then closes to provide 360 degrees of protection. Two mounting bolts come with the guard for attachment to the lasher It bolts to the C2 Lasher with two screws and has a spring gate at the bottom. With older lashers, it may not be possible to put these on.